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What is Process Serving

man going through papers

Proper service of process is essential to prevent unfairness in legal proceedings. Without it, individuals could be sued without their knowledge, leading to the loss of an opportunity to contest the lawsuit and potentially losing the case by default. Process servers play a crucial role in ensuring that individuals are informed of legal actions being taken against them. Their training enables them to locate individuals and provide them with notice of the lawsuit.

Service of process must be completed before a legal proceeding can commence. It is irrelevant whether the served individual decides to seek legal counsel or not; being informed of the lawsuit is sufficient. Ignoring the served legal documents can have severe consequences for defendants.

What is Process Serving

A process server is a trained professional responsible for delivering legal documents to defendants involved in a court proceeding. Although it may seem straightforward, their role is vital in the legal process. Process servers act as unbiased third parties and often hand-deliver the documents to defendants. Along with their delivery duty, they must ensure compliance with local laws by providing proper documentation and maintaining accurate records of their service of process, which can be presented in court if necessary. Licensing, certification, and registration requirements for process servers vary across different states. Therefore, it is crucial for law firms to employ process servers who are fully compliant with the relevant laws in their jurisdiction.

What Needs to Be Served

In order to initiate a lawsuit, it is essential to adhere to the proper legal process. Simply declaring your intent to sue someone is insufficient. The process begins by filing a petition or a complaint with the court, which triggers the issuance of a summons. The summons acts as a formal notice to the defendant, informing them that a lawsuit has been filed against them. Depending on the nature of the lawsuit and specific regulations in the defendant's jurisdiction, additional documents may also need to be served. Regardless of the situation, it is crucial to provide the defendant with accurate and truthful documents.

What Constitutes Proof of Service

Proof of service, also known as return of service or an affidavit of service when notarized, is a required document in most states to validate the completion of the service of process. It must be completed in accordance with local regulations. The individual fulfilling the role of a process server is responsible for signing the proof of service, essentially taking an oath that the service was executed.

This document records crucial information such as the identities of the parties involved, the details of the papers served, the location, date, and manner of service. Once this form is properly filled out, the process server becomes legally accountable for any potential issues arising from the manner in which the process was served.

Who Can Be A Process Server

In most states, the requirements for becoming a process server are not excessively strict. While regulations vary, the general rule is that a process server must be an impartial third party, an adult with no personal interest in the case. Neither the plaintiff nor the defendant can serve each other with legal documents, and the process server must not benefit from or be influenced by the case's outcome. Some states may have additional criteria, such as residency requirements or certification for process servers. It is crucial to adhere to state regulations regarding the proper methods, timing, and verification of service.

Law enforcement officers or local sheriffs are often authorized to serve process in many jurisdictions. Due to the complexity and variations in regulations, it is advisable to engage a licensed process server to ensure compliance and avoid potential liabilities or negative impacts on the case due to errors during the service of documents.

Discover how the assistance of an efficient and successful process server can contribute to the success of your law firm.

Contact our Process Servers

Effective communication is key to a successful process serving experience. Stay informed about the status of your case by maintaining regular contact with your process server. Be sure to ask questions and address any concerns you may have. A reputable process serving company will be transparent about their progress and will keep you informed every step of the way.

At Commercial Process Serving, Inc., we understand the complexities of process serving and are committed to providing our clients with exceptional service. Our team of experienced process servers are well-versed in the specific requirements and will work diligently to ensure that your legal documents are served accurately and on time. Contact us today to learn more about our process serving services and how we can assist you in navigating the complexities of your case.
